Total car consulting company
<<Restoration, Customize, Car Care, Making Parts and Import.>>
Please feel free to visit our shop after call or send us e-mail.
New Release! Restore samples here
Customize Customize your car with high quality level for only yours
Restoration Restore the old rare car. Restore your dream car.
Arrange for the base car and we maintenance its.
Seat repair Mercedes original fabric, various leather seats is available.
Looks like new seat!
Car care Apply the Grosser body coating. It takes more than 7 hours for the work and thorough coating make your car shining like new one.
Delivery service for coating is available, too.
Technical Service

Automobile inspection, various repairs.
Delivery service is available, too

Used car Old mercedes , used Car & Restrated car
Parts New Parts for old mercedes and Old one
Logistics Imported parts & Vehicle, Inland logistics etc.
Mailorder Mail order for parts. Contact us for the detail.
Grosser Co.
1-Chome 19-14,Senzoku,Taito-ku,Tokyo 111-0031, Japan
Phone: 81+3+38760103
Fax 81+3+38760104
Company info.

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